Former Harbor Member, Ina C.

Former Harbor Member, Mica Sage 

Harbor Member Staci H. 

"Kendra was great with her guidance and coaching to help encourage me in the right direction."
Suzanne, United States

"Kendra was comprehensive with me and responded to my question and even more. She also was able to make me see my situation from another point of view and calm me down a little about what future can hold for me. The best part for me was the fact that Kendra was capable to give me some hope that I am able to write my own story. Before... I had none. Kendra is a person that tells you what she need to say in a soothing way and you feel understood. I felt Kendra hugged my soul. I am truly grateful for her."
Vanessa, Portugal

"...everything resonated with me and made me more calm about my future steps. You answered all of my questions, and even more.  I feel more grounded... I have a feeling how I should proceed and the information you gave me made me calmer on my path... I loved your lovely attitude and dedication... Your approach made me feel like you really focus on each client, which creates the sense of being listened to and analyzed in the best way possible.”
Patrycja, Poland 

Kendra is very kind and honest I like that about her energy. Thank you Kendra kindly for all you have done I sincerely appreciate all your hard work and stay healthy and well.”
Hayat, Sudan

”I’ve dabbled with tarot readings and intuitive readers before, more so as a source of entertainment or inspiration. My sessions with Kendra were a very different experience though. She has a way of reading people and understanding where they are in life, then provides helpful insight for where they could go. She pushes just the right amount on areas of potential improvement and lays out a practical path to move forward. At times I push right back, which usually ensues in laughter; but, ultimately I walk away with a lot to think about and a solid direction for the next steps of my journey.”
-D.K. Former Harbor Member 

"I’m impressed! I was debating between 2 locations to move to (however, open to other areas). Kendra (reader) advised “no” on “W” which confirmed my feelings about it although it made the most logical sense. On “S” she advised it was not the right time and to trust in divine detour. That confirms what’s happening- the “how-to” for that area would be difficult at this time; however I was wondering if I should force it somehow (lack of trust in the divine).

My main question was about career choice. I’m at a pivotal moment with a blank chapter ahead of me. I’ve been stagnant and paralyzed because I didn’t want to make the wrong decision and have to start over again (I’m 45). Kendra’s read/ answer FLOORED me. She said “transport”. I did not tell her the 3 industries I was considering. The most unconventional one…the one I’ve been thinking “no way” was the railroad industry (transportation/ logistics). They have tuition programs that’d pay for furthering my education, but I kept thinking…railroad!? (I’ve been a high-heel wearing hospital administrator; however, the idea of going back there made me nauseous).

Kendra CLEARLY answered my question in one word. I’m in awe- have butterflies for real
… Besides getting the answers and confirmation I needed, I could sense Kendra was trusting the cards and open to receiving information intuitively. I most appreciate and value that. She didn’t try to make it make sense to her, or fit some story/ narrative…she simply did the reading. Nailed it."

"I knew I need to focus on myself right now... I appreciate everything, specially the advice because it is very important to move forward and clear the confusion."
Khushi, India

"My questions were completely answered in a way I can understand to help me get through my next cycle."
Veronica, United States

“This really highlighted the value of the relationship this far, and confirmed what I already believed to be true. Much appreciated!”
Shanony, United States

"She completely understood what I was going through and provided answers that were relevant.”
Minnie, Thailand

"Kendra was absolutely on point... I hope it’s not a “cop out” but I genuinely don’t have any improvement suggestions, Kendra far exceeded my hopes for what I would receive from this experience."
Katherine, Australia

"I cannot thank you enough... Keep doing what you are doing, it feels so authentic. Thank you, thank you again..!"
Byron, United States

"Dear Kendra, not only you are an awesome tarot reader but a great human being too with a profound understanding of relationships..."
Rahul, British Indian Ocean Territory

"Kendra’s comments resonated with me, especially as they have been said before... It was a good reminder of my role and how I can model, to be “a model of safe travels." Kendra’s reading was insightful and reassuring, and very accurate. It was a good reminder to do what I know to do, but had forgotten... it was timely, intuitive, accurate, and reassuring."
Helen, New Zealand

"I now have confirmation and know that we are on the right path."
Caroline, United Kingdom

“What you’re doing is perfect!!”
Lorrane, United States

"Thank you so much it actually helped me let go of something I was holding onto."
Roda, Canada

"You are really friendly... You were clear and concise with your answers.  I feel there's no tip to be given. You use your instinct, you can’t go wrong with that.  I realized I can take the time I need to make sure I make the right choice."
Zoe, United Kingdom