I want you to experience the feelings of freedom, clarity and direction.

Of being connected to your heart and intuition.

Grounded in your connection to source/universe/god.


Kendra is down to earth and easy to talk to. She’s empathetic, highly intuitive, and practical with her approach. She listens, understands, is insightful, and gives inspiring and useful advice.

Crystal J.

Tell me more

I remember wanting a bit of guidance because my internal compass seemed off. You are my "intuition realignment specialist."

-Staci H. Harbor Member

Get ready for transformation in any/all of the following specialty areas:

🍃Life, Purpose, and Relationships

Release the masks and baggage keeping you from being your playful, joyful, quirky self. 

Kick old outdated beliefs to the curb and put an end to the repeating cast of characters or plot lines that keep you stuck for good.

Build healthy relationships with partners, friends, family and business colleagues.

🍃Spiritual Growth

Explore and deepen your own spiritual beliefs and practices and relationship to God/Universe/Source.

Learn to co-create with Spirit to manifest your deepest desires.

Explore and expand your intuition and connection to your higher-self and support teams (spirit guides, ancestors, and angels).

🍃Business and Professional Success

Find success aligned with your energetic cycles, unique skills and talents.

Ensure your life is an act of service, where you give as much as you receive.

Set firm boundaries with others, your time, and your energy. 

Change your money story to attain your financial goals.

Why book a free consult call?

  • During the call, you can discuss your goals and expectations for coaching. What obstacles are you facing? Let's see if I am the right human to help you.

  • It's important to feel comfortable with your coach and to have good rapport. Expect laughter and play. Your situation is serious, but we don't have to take it too seriously. This is a place for curiosity and exploration.

  • Learn more about my experience, qualifications, and approach to coaching. You can ask any and all questions!

  • Get a real feel for the coaching process and how it might work for you. Consider this a test run to help you decide if coaching is right for you. 

Picture this...

you don't feel like there is an invisible wall stopping you anymore. You're free to go after your desires with joy and eagerness.

When you hear your intuition nudging you know how to listen and ACT.

You feel liberated in truly authentic relationships with partners, friends, and family. You serve others through your unique purpose, sharing your light with everyone you meet.

All of this is sooo possible for you.

Apply for Harbor

"Working with other coaches = listening to everyone else.
Working with you = listen to myself."

Ina, Former Harbor Member

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